I AM Infinite Love
A Breathwork Tool
This practice came to me over the course of many meditations. It can help you to feel the energetic vibration behind words through your breath. Words such as love and gratitude. These energetic vibrations can then be used as tools to aid you throughout your day.
Step 1
While meditating, breathe in and out as slowly as you can comfortably.
Hold the words “thank you” in your mind while breathing in. Hold the words “I love you” in your mind while breathing out.
Place your awareness on your heart chakra in the center of your chest. Be a witness to everything that happens there as you breathe. Notice everything within this space, and take it in without judgment. Your physical body and how it feels. The feeling of aliveness within each cell. Any and all other sensations that appear within your awareness.
Feeling and becoming aware of all these sensations is the same process as feeling your energy. It is becoming aware of how your energy feels as it changes while you breathe. Just be aware of it, take it all in.
Repeat Step 1 until you can easily feel this energy.
Step 2
While meditating, breathe in and out as slowly as you can comfortably.
Place your awareness on your heart chakra in the center of your chest. Be a witness to everything that happens there as you breathe. Notice the energy changing within your space of awareness. Focus on the feeling of the energy.
Feel the energy of gratitude while breathing in. Feel the energy of love while breathing out. Know that, in this process you are adding your unique love and gratitude to the world. Emitting waves of beautiful energy with each breath.
Allow your mind to be as silent as you are able. With practice, you can let the words fall away as you gain familiarity with the energy. Doing this further removes the mind from the process.
With further practice, this allows the mind to be applied in other ways while maintaining active breathwork. Such as while walking in nature, while performing simple tasks, and during conversations.
Repeat Step 2 until the words fall away completely, and you can maintain the breathwork while your mind is focused elsewhere.
Step 3
While meditating, breathe in and out as slowly as you can comfortably.
Place your awareness on your heart chakra in the center of your chest. Be a witness to everything that happens there as you breathe. You can shorten your prompts as needed, for example to “thanks” and “love”.
Begin to open your intuition to other breath phrases and vibrations. As you do, repeat Steps 1 and 2 for each new word vibration pairing to learn what their energy feels like.
List of example breaths:
[In-breath, Out-breath]
Thanks, Love
Be, Give (sun)
Thanks, Be
Sorry, Forgive (cleansing rain)
Forgive, Love
Be, Welcome (tree)
I, AM (Source)
I AM, Love (Source)
I AM, Infinite (Source)
I AM, _________ (Source)
I AM, Peace (Source)
I AM, ONE (Source)
Example Combos
Thanks Be, Give Love (sun)
I AM, Infinite Love (Source)